Monday, May 5, 2008

I am a bad blogger

I have not updated this in a month. I always open up my blog and type a little at a time and then never publish it. So today I may not add much, but I will publish it.

My weekend in a nutshell, Friday cut grass and chilled at home with the Fam. Sat. morning NOTHING!!! Sat. afternoon, graduation party at Jarrod and Mollies and then crawfish boil graduation party at church for Andrews birthday/graduation.....Crawfish was great! Sunday church, great service, Sunday afternoon, Iron Man with Jordan and Trevar. Best super hero movie EVER!!!!!!!The secret part at the end of the credits, blew me away. I never saw that coming. Sunday night ate cheeze ravioli and meat balls wit the Fam and helped Jen get ready for her trip to Nashvegas.

I'll miss her :o(

Grace and Peace and Crawfish ;o)


Jenny said...

Finally! I'm so happy you actually blogged FOR THE LOVE!

Love you honey :)

zaner said...

Dude...seriously its about time. Dang.