Monday, February 4, 2008

Back to what I love!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today as I sit at work anticipating tonights bible study. It has been years since Jen and I lead an "up to your neck in the word" bible study.Back when we were at Morgan leading the College ministry we would get so excited about Sunday and Wednesday nights when we would gather with the group and hash out some good old bible study. Sitting for hours talking about scripture and how it relates to our personal walk with Christ as well as how society and the church interprets the scripture.

As we begin our walk through Philippians I hope to gain a further love for the works of Paul. I have always been a huge fan of the letters he wrote and as I've started digging into the history of Philippi ,the time frame and understandning of what Paul was going through, I am simply blown away with the love he had for Christ. He edured so much more than we do today just to spread the message of Christ. I think we take so much for granted in the good old USA. We have so much freedom to speak about the life of Christ and the life changing stories of ourselves and others, but we just sit back and act like it is not a big deal.When I read about Paul and the early church and think about the struggles they went through, I am reminded of the stories Jens mother Nancy would tell us about the underground church in China today, and how many Christ followers would just "dissapear" never to be heard from again.It makes me wonder, how many "Christians" would risk everything just to tell one lost soul about Christ.


kendall said...

Im so ready for tonight.. See ya there. :)

zaner said...

Man...this post was great. I honestly have missed spending that "good old Bible study time" with you guys. I cherish the time that you and Jenny led us at Morgan, and I'm definitely excited to have the opportunity again.